Eco-Clinker Phase 4
Phase IV – Characterization of raw materials and dosages of raw mixes in order to perform clinkers with low content of heat and CO2 emissions (30 November 2009)
Specific objectives for this phase were the following:
– Sampling and physical-chemical characterization of some non-carbonated wastes (ungranulated blast furnace slags, steel slags, fly ash)
– Calculations of the dosages for the raw material mixtures, in order to perform some clinkers of Portland cement with lower consumptions of energy and CO2 emissions
– Dissemination on large scale of the information received on period of project development.
Within the phase no. 4 were sampled and characterized from physical-chemical and mineralogical point of view blast furnace slags from Galaţi and Călan hall, steel slags from hall Galaţi, Hunedoara, Reşita and Tirgovişte halls and fly ashes from Mintia, Bacău, Govora and Suceava steam power plants.
Based on chemical analyses calculations of dosage for raw materials mixtures which comprises non-carbonated materials were performed. It was pointed out the fact that using of non-granulated blast furnace slags contributes most at decreasing CO2 emissions and of energetic consumptions, on one hand because of total replacement of the clay/marl and limestone partially, and on the other hand because of the fact that they already suffer a thermal process and already contain silicates of calcium and magnesium.
Also, the fly ash with loss on ignition of 9% could be used both as raw material for total replacement of usual silica-aluminous component (clay or marl), and at mixture combustion through its energetic value.
Works presented at conferences:
Jenica Paceagiu, Nicoleta Vlad, Alina Bădanoiu, Georgeta Voicu, Maria Ioan, A study on the influence of fluorides and oxides on Portland clinker and cement properties, Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering –RICCCE XVI, Sinaia, Romania, 9-12 September, 2009
Jenica Paceagiu, Ileana Mohanu, Reduce of CO2 emissions in clinker manufacture, 2-nd Symposium of Chemistry and Environment, Bar, Montenegro, 16-19 September, 2009 (Book of abstract, p. 45).
ISI Articles:
Jenica Paceagiu, Florin Amzică, Nicoleta Vlad, Alice Pop, The effect of NaF and SnO2 on the characteristics of Portland cement clinker and cement, Romanian Journal of Materials, 39(4), 2009, p.286-297, ISSN 1583-3186
Neculai Mihailescu, Vasilica Daescu, Elena Holban, Mariana Nicoleta Badea, Jenica Paceagiu, Energy conservation and CO2 emissions reduction for clinker Portland cement manufacturing process, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, vol. 8 (4), 2009, p. 947-952, ISSN 1582-9596.